Five-Point Programmatic Thrust
The St. Petersburg Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. has a long standing tradition of serving the Pinellas Community through its Five-Point Programmatic Thrust.
The Five-Point Programmatic Thrust is comprised of:
- Economic Development
- Educational Development
- International Awareness and Involvement
- Physical and Mental Health
- Political Awareness and Involvement

National economic trends, such as unstable employment, the threat to Social Security as
we know it, and the widening gap between wealth and poverty are the bases for the
development of Financial Fortitude. The current Economic Development Program Initiative of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Financial Fortitude is a process that will help program participants to set and define goals, develop a plan to achieve them, and to put the plan into action. The process serves as a blueprint to address all aspects of personal finances.
Financial planning, money management, consumer education, retirement, financial fraud,
home ownership, investments and supporting local black business owners/ entrepreneurs;
opportunities are but a few of St. Petersburg Alumnae’s Chapter concerns under Economic Development. Through workshops and programs, participants can become knowledgeable of available resources, and how to improve their financial stability and overall quality of life.
St. Petersburg Alumnae Chapter conducts projects/programs designed to address the need for excellence in education and to confront the problems of African American women in all age groups. Recently, we have begun a program that focuses on the African American young men which are at risk.
- Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy
- Dr. Jeanne L. Noble G.E.M.S. Institute – Growing and Empowering Myself Successfully
- EMBODI: Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence
As a sorority dedicated to service, the International Awareness and Involvement mission is to promote and enhance global citizenship within our sisterhood, by broadening the knowledge and understanding of other nations, increasing interest in international affairs and developing a greater appreciation for different backgrounds and cultures.
As an organization of predominantly African American women, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is uniquely positioned to impact not only the well-being of its membership, but also the families and communities we serve. Journey to Wellness: Committing our Bodies to Physical and Mental Health is now the signature Physical and Mental Health call to action. The initiative addresses the challenges of living holistic and healthy lives. The St. Petersburg Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. makes Journey to Wellness come to life is through our annual DeltaFit: Fit, Fine & Heart Healthy and bi-annual Delta’s Change 4 Life Health Expo. Both are to encourage good health for our members and our community. The “4” areas of focus in Change 4 Life are awareness, self-care, physical health and mental health.
Understanding politics is understanding government and the role of government. Understanding the role of government necessitates an understanding of society and how individual citizens’ lives are impacted by government. Government can work for the majority; for the people… if the people are involved. Americans who are exposed solely to this system of government are prejudiced to think that this democratic republic works for them. More involvement by the people would reveal a system that works for the rich to the detriment of the poor. More involvement would reveal that engagement can make the necessary changes to force the government to work for all. The Political Awareness and Involvement Committee focuses on educating the people about their rights and the wrongs that threaten them.